Thursday, December 6, 2012


My blog posts have been few and far between this past year. My boys are getting older and like having more say over how much I "share" on the internet. Nonetheless, we can be found all over the place. So, if you want to catch up on what we are doing, you can use the following links:

Facebook pages:

If you want to see my photo albums, head over to Picasa.

If you want to see articles that I find interesting and want to share, follow me on Twitter.

We can talk books on GoodReads.

And if that isn't enough, I post more photos, quotes, drawings, etc on Tumblr.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2013 New Year!


  1. Joan, You need to teach me how to make my blog as nice as your's is! I love reading about your family! I am so glad we got to know each other through Church!

  2. Thanks, Valerie! The templates make everything look good. They are easy to use and it is fun to play around with the designs.

    One tip is to upload your photos to Picasa. When you are doing your blog, it makes it very easy to pick which pictures you want to use and inserts them seamlessly.

    I can't wait to catch up on and follow Cullen's adventures. It is good that you are starting early...before he can object to you plastering his life all over the internet like my boys have!

    Blessings ~~ Joan
