Sunday, March 27, 2011

Garden Update

After dinner last night, Todd suggest we go to a garden center to pick up the plants and seeds he wanted for the garden. I wasn't too keen on it but went along when he said that he knew what he wanted and assured me that "it will only take a minute." After walking around for about 15 minutes and being bitten by mosquitoes, Evan and I headed for the car. About ten minutes later, Todd and Chad get to the car empty handed. Todd decided that he wanted to checkout the plants at another store before making a decision. We headed over there and I said, "Maybe you are over thinking this." How difficult could it be to get plants?

We then went to the second garden center and Todd decided that was where he would get the plants since they had a better selection. He went there bright and early this morning and picked up tomato, bell pepper and jalapeno plants. He also got corn and green bean seeds. This afternoon he and Evan planted the seeds and plants and watered them down good. I can't wait to watch them grow!

Evan helping with the watering.

The beginnings of a garden.

Grow plants, grow!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Garden

At our previous homes, Todd always loved planting a vegetable garden. We moved to this house about 4 years ago and Todd finally decided it was time to start a garden again. 

On Friday he borrowed a tiller from a friend and got to work. The ground was very hard and he tilled for a couple of hours. Evan helped him make some rows the next day. The ground is fertilized and the planting should commence next weekend. 

I will keep you posted on how things go. I am hoping for a juicy homegrown tomato soon. They are my favorite!

 The plot of ground that Todd is going to use for the garden.

 Getting ready to till and fertalize.

 A good start.

 Making some rows.

Ready for planting.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday May Girls!

Last week my adorable twin neices, Caleigh and Caitlin, turned five. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and we hope to see you soon!

Caleigh and Caitlin

Love these expressions!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy for Pokemon

For the past two months all I have been hearing from Evan is how he can't wait to get the new Pokemon Black and White game. It was released last week and I pre-ordered it with the plan for it to be an Easter present.

It so happened that the boys were out of school all last week for the Mardi Gras holiday. By Wednesday, boredom had set in. That was the sane day that the game arrived and I decided to turn it into a Mardi Gras present instead.

Needless to say, Evan was thrilled. Todd said that he never heard of a Mardi Gras present. I guess we are starting a new tradition. Yes, and we couldn't leave Chad out, so he got the new Tron game. Maybe the Easter bunny will just be bringing candy this year?

I can't believe the new Pokemon game is here. Thank you Amazon and UPS!

What a great mom; she got me the game and book, too!

Happiness=new video game

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rainy Mardi Gras

The weatherman says we are going to have scattered showers all day. Todd and the boys are going to brave the rain and go to the parades. He made them some temporary rain jackets out of trash bags:

Okay, the first one didn't turn out too good.

That's better. Have fun, guys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chad's Last Game

This week Chad has the last of his basketball games. He has improved so much in the past six weeks, it is really amazing. Most importantly, he has had a lot of fun being a part of a team which has been wonderful to watch.

We took a photo before his game and then he asked to take some photos with Gwen. She wasn't too cooperative at first, but did eventually stand still so I could get a shot of both of them.

 Ready for my last game!

 Gwen not wanting to cooperate with the picture taking.

Now, they are both looking!