Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chad's Car

One of Chad's classes this semester is shop. He is learning all about designing projects and using wood working tools. His most recent project was making a wooden car. Here he is showing off his creation.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hello Tooth Fairy

Evan has been struggling with a wiggling tooth all week and the sucker finally came out today. Woo hoo, here comes the Tooth Fairy!

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chad Starts Basketball

Chad signed up for TPR basketball again this year and has been practicing hard with his team for the past few weeks. They had their first game last night. They played hard but ended up losing in the end. At least they know what they need to work on now!

 Concentrating before the big game.

 Todd ready to cheer Chad on.

Why to you have to take my picture? I'm just here to watch!

Evan the Photographer

Ever since Evan got an Ipod Touch for Christmas, he has turned into quite the picture taker. He doesn't like just taking photos, he likes taking them and then using some of his apps to add special effects.

We met my parents for lunch in Texas recently and he must have taken their photos a million times. Grandparents have unending patience, I think. Thanks for being such great sports. Here are some of my child's creations.

 Alien Mee Maw
 Alien Pee Paw
 Joan & Todd...the handsome couple!

 Smiling Chad
 Loving brothers
 Gorgeous Gwen is always willing to pose.
 Chad in pencil.
Here's one I caught of the photog himself. Love that smiling face!