Sunday, May 29, 2011

Craft Projects

The long Memorial weekend seemed like a great time for craft projects. We made a trip to Michael's on Saturday and Evan got a helicopter model kit. He couldn't wait to put it together, but within 15 minutes complained that the kit didn't include all of the pieces. Todd came to the rescue, found the missing pieces and helped him put it together.

The finished product turned out well and Evan had a lot of fun making it.

He then decided that he wanted to make some of his own Pokemon cards. He found a website that let's you upload a photo and then make and print the cards out. He attached a real Pokemon card to the back, so the finished product looks a lot like the real thing. He has been busy making cards ever since.

Chad took a shop class at school this semester and picked a trash can as his project. He didn't quite finish it before school let out. It still needs a back to be attached and to be stained and varnished. It does look good so far, so I hope he stays motivated and finishes it.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Harvest Time

The garden is growing and the green beans are abundant. Evan loves tending the garden, picking the vegetables and showing me his produce. I am still waiting for that first juicy tomato and have been promised that it will be here soon!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chad Moves Up a Belt

Last week Chad was tested for a new belt in Tae Kwon Do. He is currently a red belt and wanted to move up to a red/black belt. There were a lot of students and parents in the class, so I could tell that it made him a little nervous. He did all of his forms and had a couple of errors, but was still able to pass and move up a belt. He has accomplished so much over the years in his skills and focus and I am so very proud of him!

 Striking a pose before testing.

 I got my new belt. What a relief!

Pupil and Teacher

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden Produce

Evan ran in the house earlier today very excited to show me the first green bean from our garden. Ta da:

I suggested that he might want to wait until we had a few more before picking them, so we would actually have enough to cook. My mouth is watering already!

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gwen Update

I took Gwen to the vet last week for her heart worm test and boy has she grown! She weighed 11 lbs. in December and now comes in at a healthy 17.6 lbs. That's what I call a happy, healthy girl!

She is very protective of me and sometimes even growls at Todd when he comes in the room. I keep her spoiled with lots of attention and treats when she comes in from "doing her business." She will sit when I command her to and has learned how to play fetch with a ball. I have always been a "cat person" but have come to love this dog and appreciate her unconditional love for me.

Ready to have my belly scratched.

Such a sweet girl!

Enough with the pictures and scratch my belly already!

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter & Spring Break

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We had a wonderful Easter day at our home and even though I planned on taking a lot of photos of the event, I only ended up with three!

We haven't had a large group of people at our house since getting Gwen, and she is very protective! I felt like I had a new baby as I had to either put her in another room and listen to her whine, or hold her on my lap to keep her from growling and barking at every person in the house.

We ended up having a feast for lunch and eating the leftovers for three days! We didn't have any big plans for Spring Break which was good because Chad came down with a stomach virus on Tuesday. He spent most of the day in bed which is definitely unusual for him.

With the boys Easter money burning holes in their pockets, we made it to Target on Friday to see if we could spend a little. Chad got the new Harry Potter movie and Evan got some battle bots and Lego Ninjago toys. Thanks to everyone for the Easter money!

On Saturday evening the stomach virus hit Evan and he threw up in the bathtub. Even though cleaning up vomit always grosses me out, having it in the tub was much better than cleaning it off the floor or carpet! I kept Evan home from school today but he seems to be on the mend and should be able to go back tomorrow.

There are only a few weeks of school left, so we are getting excited about summer! Here are my few measly Easter photos:

 My parents playing dominoes with Chad and Evan.

 Todd grilling up some meat Yum!

The Happy Chef!