Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Sniffles

A cold bug has been making it's way though our house. Todd had it last week, then I came down with it this week and a couple of days ago, Evan got it. He was sniffling a lot and decided to stay home from day camp yesterday. He had fun just resting, watching t.v. and playing video games in the morning. However, by late afternoon he was ready to jump out of his skin.

It had rained off and on during the day, but had pretty much stopped in the afternoon. After being cooped up all day, he was ready to head outside for some fun. He was in the ditch in no time in search of creatures. He told me to correct my post from the other day as he is catching tadpoles, not minnows. His little tank had quite a few more yesterday. He told me that he had found their secret hiding place, so he was able to catch a bunch.

He also did some shooting with his gun. All in all, he is pretty good at entertaining himself when he is outside. He is always able to find something new to explore.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Busy Weekend

Since the summer seems to be flying by, we are trying to cram as much fun into it as possible. This weekend was non-stop fun. Both the boys had friends come over. Evan's friend spent the night on Friday night and they played video games and watched t.v. until the wee hours of the morning. All that activity made them very hungry, so I took them to an all you can eat buffet for lunch on Saturday while Todd and Chad did some shopping.

The restaurant is one of our favorites because They have a lot of variety and everyone can find something they like. Because of that Evan said it was a 5 star restaurant. His friend agreed and so I asked them what other restaurants they rated 5 star. They both had McDonalds and Burger King on their lists as well as some other local chain restaurants. We definitely have different criteria when it comes to our 5 star ratings!

Saturday night was date night for Todd and I so we went to dinner and a play at our local downtown theater. It was a musical, which I love, but can't say is Todd's favorite kind of performance. I have to kid with him every time we see a musical because during the first one we ever went to, he fell asleep. It was many years ago when we went to the Texas state fair in Dallas and Robert Goulet was starring in South Pacific. I do have to say that we had walked around the fair all day and that probably contributed to the sleepiness more than the performance, but it is one of those funny stories we won't ever forget.

On Sunday I finally took Chad to see the new Harry Potter movie. I have read all of the books, so I probably wanted to see it as much or more than he did. We met Chad's friend there and then he came home with us and they spent the afternoon playing video games and basketball. It was sprinkling off and on, but they didn't let that spoil any of their fun.

Todd finally got to mow in the morning. It has been raining her pretty much every day and the grass is growing like crazy. He then took Evan to a birthday party in the early afternoon. When Evan got home, he was ready to play outside. He played some basketball with the big guys, shot his pellet gun and searched the ditch for minnows. He found a couple and was happy with his "catch."
One of Evan's minnows.

Evan posing with his newly filled aquarium.

 It was a fun time for a good bath!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer - Almost Over?

The boys continue to enjoy their summer. They only have three weeks left until school starts so we have been stocking up on school supplies and buying uniforms.

Here are a couple of random photos from this weekend. Chad isn't in any of them. All his free time has been spent in a dark room playing his Harry Potter game. He already went through the whole game once. Hope it has a lot of replay value!

Evan with the creation he made at Lego Club.

Evan and Todd goofing around.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Early Birthday Present

Chad's birthday isn't until August, so he was thrilled today when we gave him an early birthday present, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II video game for the Wii. It does make sense to give him some time to play it now since his birthday is the day after school starts, right? Bummer!

He started playing late this afternoon and went strong until the batteries in the controller went dead at about 9:00 p.m. I am so glad to see him have a great time!

Here is a pic of my other two cuties:

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Belated Birthday Dinner

We invited Todd's mother for a belated birthday dinner since Evan was out of town on his actual birthday. We had some sheet brownies for dessert as Evan had already had two birthday cakes. Here are a few pics of the birthday boy:

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Evan!

What a great day! My "baby" is now 10 years old and in the double digits. Woo hoo!

You are growing up so fast! I love hearing about you experiences, watching you grow and seeing what an awesome young man you are becoming. Sorry I can't be with you today, but I know you are in good hands. Have a super day!

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