Friday, July 31, 2009

New Additions to Hackberry Creek

One of my favorite things about having my own business is being able to sell things that I love. I was recently inspired by some handmade notebooks that I ran across on Etsy. I love all things having to do with paper, writing, reading, drawing, etc. To that end, I bought the equipment so that Todd and I could make our own notebooks that we could offer on Hackberry Creek.

The photo above is an example of some of our art notepads. We also have some fun ones made from upcycled boxes and bags such as Doritos, Lucky Charms and other food and consumer products. You can see our entire selection

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fun at the Theatre

Todd was a sweetheart and got us season tickets to Le Petit Theatre de Terrebonne. We had a date night on Saturday and went to dinner and to see the first production of the season, "Blame it on the Movies."

I loved it, of course, as I am a big fan of musicals. Todd really liked it as well, even though musicals aren't his favorite. Many years ago we saw "South Pacific" with Robert Goulet during the Texas State Fair. Todd could barely keep his eyes open. Of course we had been at the fair all day and he was exhausted, but that was the last musical we attended.

Thanks for the great time, Todd!

Goofing off between dinner and the theatre.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Releasing of the Butterflies

By Saturday morning, the butterflies had finished mating, so we figured it was finally time to release them. Below is our video of the event. I think that we all had mixed feelings about the whole thing. It was fun watching them fly off, but also sad to not have them in our home any longer.

The Birds and the Bees

On Friday when everyone got home, we were all prepared to release the butterflies. Then Chad came up to me and said, "Mom, I don't think we can release them...they are mating." I knew I definitely had to check that out. Sure enough, we had two couples that had paired up. Evan took a look and asked, "Why are they attached at the butt?"

Let's just say that the evening turned out to be an educational one. At one point we even had some excitement going on when one butterfly tried to break up a couple. He fluttered, shoved and poked at the couple for several minutes before finally giving up.

We read that they usually mate from a hour or so to overnight, so we decided to wait until the next morning to release them.

One butterfly trying to break up a couple.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tae Kwon Do Testing

Last night was a big night for Evan and Chad. They had testing at their Tae Kwon Do classes which determines if they move up to the next belt or level. Evan just started the classes several months ago, so this was his first time going through the testing process. I asked him if he was nervous and he said, "no," so I think he was feeling pretty confident.

Todd has been taking the boys to their lessons all summer, so it has been a couple of months since I had seen Chad doing his routine and kicks. Wow, was I blown away with how much progress he has made...amazing.

They both passed their testing and moved to the next level. As a treat we went to Applebee's for dinner. It was a great evening for all of us!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Butterfly Update

The boys were surprised and excited last night when they got home from karate and saw that we had five butterflies. Todd opened the side of their pavilion to set a plate inside to hold their sugar water saturated paper towels, which will be their food source. All of a sudden, a butterfly escaped and started flying around the room. You should have heard us all yelling at him, "Catch it, but don't touch the wings!!!" Todd gave me a look like, "Are you serious, how am I supposed to do that?" Anyway, in a few seconds, Todd was able to capture it in his cupped hands and return it to the pavilion. No harm done; what a great dad!

We all got another surprise this morning when we woke up and all ten caterpillars had become butterflies. They are gorgeous. Now I just have to convince Evan that we should set them free. I feel sorry for them being all cooped up.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our First Butterfly

I walked by our butterfly pavilion this afternoon and was taken aback....there are 4 butterflies in there. One was at the top, so I think that she was the first to emerge. The other three butterflies were at the bottom by their empty cocoons. The boys are going to be so excited when they see them. I can't wait!

Evening Fun

After the boys got home from day camp and Todd got home from work yesterday, we spent some family time working and playing outside. In reality, Todd did the working while Chad, Evan and I did the playing. The weather was actually pleasant and we all dreaded going in for supper.

Evan riding his scooter.

Chad practicing golf.

Me practicing golf.

Evan helping Todd mow.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Clean Up!

Every so often the boys' playroom gets out of control. Toys have been outgrown, game pieces are scattered, stuff is piled on top of stuff and it becomes difficult to find anything to play with. On Saturday we all pulled together and tackled organizing the playroom. I focused on the arts and crafts shelf and Todd and the boys went through all of the toys.

We ended up with about three bags of trash, an organized room and a great feeling of accomplishment. Before we were even finished, Evan started getting ideas of art projects that he wanted to do. I think it was because he could once again see all of the neat stuff that he has.

Evan organizing his Pokemon cards.

My guys organizing the toys.

The shelves are looking better.

I love organized shelves!

"I can't wait to do some crafts!"

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bug Biter

Evan came home from day camp yesterday and was very excited to show me the bird skull that he found. How cool!

He also spent some of his birthday money on a Bug Biter. It is a contraption that lets you catch bugs without touching them, though this has never been an issue for Evan. You place the device over the bug that you want to catch and then slide a lever to capture the bug. As soon as he got it, Evan was ready to hunt.

Bird skull

The Bug Biter

Evan's catch

Evan on the hunt for bugs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caterpillar Update - Part 2

The caterpillars have been hanging on their lids for a couple of days now and had all developed their shells, so we thought that it was probably time to move them into the netted pavilion. I found some safety pins and Todd volunteered to do the moving while I filmed.

Now we just have to wait a week or so for butterflies.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Active Caterpillars

We continue to be fascinated with Evan's caterpillars and check on them multiple times during the day. Occasionally the are moving around and active, but most of the time they are so still that we wonder if they are dead.

I caught them moving around for a few minutes yesterday. By this morning they were all attached to the lid of the container, where they will now form chrysalids.

The caterpillars are all attached to the lids.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Caterpillar Update

Evan's caterpillars are now five days old and boy have they grown. They are eating, growing and making their way to the top of the cup where they will become crysalids. All of the green specks are called "frass," aka caterpillar waste. They are eating a lot, so there is a lot of frass!

Look how they have grown!

"We love this project!"

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Final Birthday Celebration for Evan

Last night we had our fourth (and final) birthday get-together to celebrate Evan's 8th birthday. Todd barbequed and everyone brought a dish, so we had a feast.

Evan's favorite flavor is vanilla, so I got him an ice cream cake made with vanilla cake and vanilla ice cream. He wanted green icing, so we got that too, with a lot of ants, bugs, worms and lady bugs as decorations.
Evan's Bug Cake

Chad and my handsome nephew, Alex.

Evan licking the icing off one of his bugs.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Live Butterfly Pavilion Arrives

Evan has been waiting with anticipation for the butterfly pavilion (from Insect Lore) that his Aunt Amy and Uncle Brian got him for his birthday. Sure enough, on Friday as promised, the Fed Ex truck pulled off and dropped off a box addressed for Evan. I immediately saw the "Live Insects" sticker on the outside of the box and knew what it was.

Evan was at day camp, so I took it upon myself to open the box and take the contents out to make sure everything was intact. He is very excited about watching his caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies. Thanks Aunt Amy and Uncle Brian!

Alert sticker!

Baby Caterpillars

"I can't wait until they become butterflies!"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Preparing for Fall

Fall is the busiest time of year at Hackberry Creek. Thus, we are working very hard this summer in preparation for our "busy season." We are getting in a lot of new inventory like these gorgeous enamel beads.

My friend and Evan's teacher, Coach, came over to help me package beads yesterday. Thanks for the help, Coach!

Pretty enamel beads.

Coach inspecting and packaging beads.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back in the Routine

After our trip to Texas, we have been spending the past couple of days getting back into our regular routine. The boys are back at day camp and going to their Tae kwon do lessons. With such full days, by the time they get home, they are ready to eat, take a bath and hit the sack.

Evan enjoying his peanut butter sandwich.

Chad giving me a silly smile.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We had a long but nice drive back from Texas to our home down the bayou. We stopped for lunch at one of our favorite Indian restaurants, Masala Indian Kitchen in Lafayette, LA. The food there is fresh and delicious and we all just love it. They do keep the temperature a bit cold, so wear a thick shirt or bring a sweater. Evan and I were freezing so we both ended up with two shirts on after about five minutes there.

You can check out the rest of the photos from our trip to Texas here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th Fun

On Saturday we made our way to Houston for a visit with Brian and Amy. We had a nice lunch at Pappasito's and then headed home where we had some cupcakes in celebration of Evan's birthday.

Brian and the boys then headed outside for some slip n slide and water fun. Before we knew it, it was time to head out to Katy for a fireworks show. It was warm but breezy and we all enjoyed the show.

Thanks Brian and Amy for the hospitality and fun time!

Chad enjoying one of Evan's birthday cupcakes.

"This is yummy!"

Enjoying Mexican food with Brian and Amy.

Brian and Amy

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, July 3, 2009

Picking Up Chad

We went to Stoney Creek Ranch this morning and picked up Chad. It was a nice drive through the Texas countryside to get there and the camp was really awesome. He had a wonderful time and hopes to go back next year. I could tell that he and Evan missed each other. They were up to their typical playing (and then squabbling) in no time.

Evan sleeping on the way to camp.

The brothers are together again.

-- Post From My iPhone

Trip to Texas

Todd and I had a nice drive from S. Louisiana to S. Texas yesterday. The traffic wasn't bad but ther were a lot of highway patrol officers watching for and ticketing speeders.

On our way, we stopped at one of my favorite Tex-Mex restaurants, Casa Ole. They really do have awesome chile con queso (cheese dip). Evan was so glad to see us when we arrived and I felt like I could just eat him up. He looked like he grew about 3 inches in one week.

My Uncle John passed away a couple of days ago, so we attended his rosary last night. He served in the Korean War and the priest highlighted how faithfulness and service were hallmarks of his life. He was definitely an inspiration to many.

After the rosary, I had time to catch up with some of my cousins that I hadn't seen for quite a while. Below is a photo of my cousin, Lisa, and her cutie neice, Jenna.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan!

Evan, I can't believe that you are eight years old! It seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. You have been such a joy to me and I love watching you grow and learn. Stay curious and don't ever stop asking questions.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Birthday Boy!

Life is Good

Well, Chad made it off to camp okay and Evan is having a great time with my parents. He talked my mother into getting him an early birthday present, so he now has his first Nintendo DS Pokemon game. He has also been to the farm a couple of times and being the outside kid that he is, had a blast. He has been obsessing about wanting to find some petrified wood and with my parents help, found about three pieces.

I had my third golf lesson yesterday. I had been getting frustrated because I knew that I wasn't hitting the ball properly and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. My coach watched me for a couple of minutes, told me what I needed to change and all of a sudden, I started hitting the ball pretty good. It felt amazing! Now I know why people love golf.

Todd met me out at the driving range and he hit some awesome shots.

-- Post From My iPhone