Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Chad

Wow, I can't believe that you are sixteen years old today. How awesome is that! They say that the teenage years are the roughest and that may be true, but I do love watching you grow and change from the little boy that you into the man that you are becoming. Hope you have a super, wonderful, awesome birthday!

Since today is a school day, we had some pre-birthday cookie cake last night. Here are some pics of that:

 My two loves!

 Here is a photo of you from xmas 2007. Look how much you have changed since then!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Visit to the Farm

We recently spent a few days at my parent's house in Texas when we took the boys there for their annual summer visit. While we were there we made a trip to their farm and had a nice afternoon cookout. It was hot, but we all enjoyed being outdoors and poking around to see what was new since our last visit.

I have many fond memories of the farm as that is where my paternal grandparents lived when I was growing up. I used to stay with them for a week in the summer and as a "city kid," had a blast being outside in the country, exploring and spending time with my cousins. There is a wonderful sense of freedom being away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The pace is slow and there is time to enjoy the sweetness of just being.

Chillin' Chad

Some juicy grapes. My parents don't eat these, but use them to make wine.

Todd putting a new picnic table together.

One of the great things about being in the country is the freedom to have target practice without the fear of hitting your neighbor's house. Evan couldn't wait to shoot his guns!

Todd taking his turn. Is it cheating to use a stepladder to steady the gun?

My dad trying out his aim.

Evan helping season the burgers on the pit.

"This one needs a bit more pepper."