Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank You to Our Village

Last night we attended Chad's High School graduation ceremony and it was such a thrill for us to see him walk across that stage. The ceremony was quite long as there were 352 graduates but in the end worth every minute. We are so proud of him as he reaches milestone after milestone.

All day long my mind was filled with all of the people who have helped him along the way as this was not a solo endeavor. When we first became foster parents of Chad when he was 2 1/2, we had no idea of the joys and challenges that would lie ahead. Through the years we have encountered so many loving and giving people. Many times I have been amazed at how people have been willing to go out of their way to help us and how many truly had Chad's best interests at heart. I remind him often of how blessed we are and how he must be surrounded by angels because of all of the miracles we have witnessed. 

My heart is filled with gratitude and love for you all. A special Thank You goes out to the following:

Family, Friends, Neighbors - who have always there for us in big ways and small ways,  over and over again.

 Case workers (especially Chad's OCS caseworker, Stephanie Gomez and his LWC caseworker, Fred Pape). Teachers, therapists, social workers and tutors at Broadmoor (especially his speech teacher Gayle Caillout, who worked with him for many years), ELearning, Evergreen and H.L. Bourgeois (especially Tammy Medlen who helped us out so many times).

Coaches (especially Andre Melum who taught him Karate and so much more for many years).

Parishioners at St. Matthews (especially those involved with the youth group: Mrs. Betty who welcomed us with open arms so many years ago, Mrs. Jennifer and Mrs. Becky who have watch Chad grow and who have been there for him over the years).

Summer camp staff at Bayou Black Gym (especially Mrs. Melissa): Chad participated in your program many years and even had the opportunity to "work" there as his first job.

All staff at Youth Challenge Program - You showed him what he was capable of achieving through focus, discipline and caring. Also, Wes Hill for being Chad's post residential mentor.

All the staff at Taco Bell: For giving him his first "real" job and always being supportive and flexible.

All the soldiers at the Army recruiting office who are helping him plan his future. He is scheduled to report for boot camp at Fort Jackson on July 1st.