Friday, January 6, 2012

Green With Envy

Todd had a couple of vacation days that he had to burn from last year, so he took off on Thursday and Friday. One thing that he decided to do was adjust the scope on Evan's .22 caliber rifle that he bought with his Christmas money. I had never been to the rifle range, so I decided to tag along. 

 Todd getting ready to shoot.

Since Evan is getting into shooting as a hobby, I registered at the shooting range just in case I need to bring him. What won't a parent do for their child? After Todd set up a target and worked on the scope, he asked me if I wanted to shoot. I am not that experienced with guns, but thought that now is as good of a time to learn as ever, so he showed me the basics and put up a new target.

Ear protection, check; Eye protection, check!

I do have to say that shooting is pretty fun. After I got done, Todd took a few more shots and I have to say that for beginners with a new gun, we did pretty well. 

Needless to say, Evan was very jealous when he got home. We have promised to take him this weekend, though, so he will get his turn on his new gun.