Monday, August 30, 2010

Science Friday

Evan loves doing science experiments. Todd told him about one where you take a penny and put salt and vinegar on it and the result is that it restores the penny to a bright copper color. 

On Friday, Evan got home from school and couldn't wait to do some experimenting. We looked up the directions on the internet, got the supplies together and couldn't wait to see what would happen.

First, Evan put salt on the penny.

Then, he carefully poured the vinegar on top.

After a few seconds, the penny turned a bright copper color.

Another successful experiment!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Belts

The boys had Tae Kwon Do testing this past Thursday and both moved up a belt. Mee Maw and Uncle Stefan both came to the class and got to see them do their forms. We then went out for a great meal at Peppers. Way to go boys!

Ready for testing.

Funny Faces!

Chad getting his red belt.

Evan getting his yellow/black belt.

The boys with their teacher/uncle Andre. "We passed; what a relief!"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School Time

Chad and Evan both went back to school yesterday and got the year off to a great start. Today was Evan's first day to ride the bus. He was so excited, we had to go outside 15 minutes early. Thus, he was really tired of standing by the time the bus actually arrived. Here's a photo of the excited student:

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Chad Turns 14!

I can't believe that my "baby" is 14! Since his birthday was on Monday, we celebrated on Sunday. He invited a friend over, we had pizza, they went bowling and played around the house...and yes, Chad received some presents. His favorite is CASH, but he did like the Harry Potter DVD set we got him, too. Teenagers are so hard to buy for!

We are so proud of you Chad and wish you all the happiness in the world!

Ah, the sweet life!

Cash is King!

Brothers and best of friends!

Karate Kids

The boys had a Tae Kwon Do tournament on Saturday. Here are some videos of their routines. Chad competed against nine other boys, so the competition was stiff. He didn't win a medal, but did a great job. Evan ended up winning a third place medal. Way to go boys!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend Update

This was the second to the last weekend that the boys have before school starts, so they are determined to make the most of it. Friday night they went to a lock in at church. They ate pizza, played tons and games and got little sleep. Chad went to bed almost immediately after they got home on Saturday morning. Evan held out until about noon and then he took a four hour nap.

After recharging, we all went to the Mexican restaurant that Todd and I tried when the boys were in Texas. They both like it and we all left with full bellies.

We then caught a few more episodes of Avatar: the Last Airbender. We have been watching the series and are now on Book II, episode 6.

On Sunday we went to church services in New Orleans and then went to Nirvana (our favorite Indian restaurant) for lunch. Evan ate his weight in Naan (bread). We stayed inside most of the afternoon because it was very HOT. The boys went outside for about ten minutes and were soaked with sweat when they came back in.

The boys start their last week of day camp tomorrow. The school countdown is on!