Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014 Recap

We spent Thanksgiving at my parents home in Texas this Thanksgiving. It is always a fun time with plenty of good eats and lots of catching up since they live so far away. We split up the drive to their house by staying overnight at the L'auberge Casino Resort in Lake Charles. We had a lot of fun exploring the hotel and grounds and playing some slots. They also had a game room for Evan. He spent quite a bit of time there and loaded up on prizes.

Checking in!

Hotel "Beach"

Selfie in front of the water.  

Enjoying the cozy fireplace.

While we were on our visit, a trip to "The Farm" was a must. The day was gorgeous and the temperature was in the low 70's. We did some target practice, checked out some baby calves, picked beans from the garden and repaired some down "hot shot" lines. What a great place to combine work and play!

Baby cute!

Gorgeous, peaceful day!

Target Practice

Dad showing off his sharp shooter skills.

The farm is a great place for a driving lesson!
On our way to visit my parents my Uncle Matt passed away. I was so happy that his rosary was held while we were still in town and that I was able to attend. It was so great to see so many Aunts, Uncles and Cousins that I hadn't seen in such a long time. Godspeed Uncle Matt!

Joe and Matt