Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gorgeous Weather

A cool front came through yesterday morning and by the afternoon, the weather was perfect. I couldn't restrain myself and had to go outside and enjoy it while the boys practiced football. Fall, we are ready for you!

Getting ready to throw the football.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Flag Football 2010

Evan is playing flag football again this year and his team, the Dolphins, had their first two games this past Saturday. It was a sunny and HOT day out in the field where they were playing, so we were all sweating and drinking lots of water.

Evan's team lost both games, but they only had two practices beforehand, so I am sure they will improve as the season progresses. Go Dolphins!

Down, Set, Hike

Evan focusing on the game.

Taking a break on the sidelines.

Chad and MeeMaw trying to beat the heat.

Todd enjoying the game and "coaching" from the sidelines.

Evan's determined to not miss this ball!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who Dat?

The New Orleans Saints are playing their season opener tonight and everyone in our house is excited and ready for football. Evan school is having Saints day today, so he was able to wear a team shirt instead of his usual uniform. Todd dressed appropriately for work as well. Go Saints!

Evan is ready to show his Saints spirit at school.

Todd and Evan loving the Saints!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Official End of Summer

We enjoyed the long, lazy Labor Day weekend watching football and movies and doing crafts. At the start of the weekend, Todd headed to Hobby Lobby and stocked up on supplies. He got some laces to make key chains, loops and a frame to make pot holders and a couple of rubber band airplanes. I took Evan for a haircut and we stopped by Target for some new legos to add to the mix. 

Chad and Evan both did pretty well on the key chains. I had to start them off for them, which was not a problem since I remembered learning how to make them at camp when I was a kid. Evan got bored with making the pot holders about half way in and switched to making some lego vehicles. Todd finished Evan's holder and then went on to make another one. Yes, my husband is a jack of all trades and very crafty! Check out the results below:

Crafts Galore!

Evan also had fun with his rubber band plane. It is made of lightweight wood and has a rubber band underneath that you tighten by turning the propeller. When you put it down and let it go, it takes off into the air. Here is Evan demonstrating it for me:

Kemah Photos

This summer the boys had a visit in Texas and spent some time with my brother and his family. They went to the Kemah Boardwalk, which is close to Houston, and had a blast. Here are some photos that my sister-in-law, Amy, took of the fun:

Brian, Evan, Amy, Clark and Chad

Evan on the train.

Chad and Evan
Our Favorite Ride
"Boy, this is fun!"